Tuesday, July 14, 2009

So, you're saying the rich should be taxed higher b/c they've made their way?

Are you people really THAT ignorant? Did you forget what this country was founded on? The right to free enterprise. Everyone in this country has the right to go out and make just as much money as anyone else, INCLUDING the mormon Republicans. I cannot believe how brainwashed my generation has let themselves become. Bleeding hearts who say the rich should be taxed more b/c they have the money to spare. Give me a flippin break. So does that mean you just sit on your rear end and reap the benefits? And complain b/c you want more social programs initiated? Where do you people get off? Go get a job and see if you feel the same way when your hard earned money puts you into a higher tax bracket so that the lazy people can live off you. And, FYI, I'm not rich. I just know the money I earn is solely based on the work I choose to do. I certainly NEVER expect the government to take care of me. Why do you?

So, you're saying the rich should be taxed higher b/c they've made their way?
A janitor works harder than a CEO. A roofer works harder than a banker. A nurse works harder than the president of the hospital.

The rich mainly get that way through inheritance or connections, or both. People don't get rich in the United States by "working hard" - that's a dirty lie held out to keep the poor quietly hopeful. If you are rich, then you got that way thanks to society, not your own efforts.

People who support the flat tax are either stupid or dishonest. Taxes on consumption favor the rich heavily over the poor, since poor people spend a much higher proportion of their income on consumables than rich people. Every wrinkly Huckabee introduces into the flax tax is just designed to hide this fact. It's attractive because it's simple, but not every simple idea is a good one.

If there is one worthwhile thing in your post, it is the bit about tax brackets. Taxes should rise smoothly on a sliding scale as income increases, so people still have a reason to work harder. In the age of calculators and computers, there's no need for hard brackets.
Reply:The unemployment rate in this country is around 5%. That means that pretty much EVERYONE is working. Most are working at least 40 hours a week if they can. And in most families, the woman and the man are working just to make ends meet. So don't claim that only the rich work hard and everyone else is "just sitting on their rear end and reaping the benefits." But the middle and lower class are paying up around 30% - close to the same the rich are paying. But the wealthy have CPA's finding loopholes and writeoffs. And 30% of 50,000 is more devastating than 35 or 40% of 2 million.
Reply:If everyone pays 15% taxes, the rich pay a LOT more in taxes. I don't get why people say the rich should pay, not just more, but a higher rate as well.

The problem is that 50% of Americans pay NO federal income tax. So, every single time, they'll vote to raise taxes to get more stuff, a statue, a library, a park, a handout, whatever, because someone else is paying for it. They'll elect representatives that will get them more stuff.

Bad for the economy, bad for Americans, and rarely good for them.

Interestingly enough, Karl Marx wrote that a "progressive tax" (where the more you make, the higher percentage you pay) is one of the fundamental elements to Communism.
Reply:Every working citizen should pay an income tax proportional to the amount of income they receive. That is the fairest way to do it. So, yes, that means the rich would pay more taxes than citizens receiving less income.
Reply:only the rich should pay taxes and they should not get social security. many couples work 2-3 jobs each and don't earn enough money to take care of basic human needs.

some people are just lucky and some no matter how hard and ethical they are have nothing and struggle through their lives. some people hardly work but make a fortune.
Reply:I am a teacher. Salaries in my profession are pathetic, despite having to fork out money for a 4-year college degree. My wife is a homemaker and I have four children to support on one pathetic salary. We are thriving financially and are debt free, aside from our mortgage.

We have had to live frugally. We don't have cable tv, cell phones, game consoles, fancy cars or clothes that many people seem to feel are necessities in the American lifestyle. We did not buy a house that was more than we could afford because that would be irresponsible. We do not have consumer debt because if we don't have the money for it, we don't buy it!

I am probably considered lower middle class, but I absolutely disagree with democratic ideas of governent intervention to save people from themselves, like in the current mortgage crisis, welfare projects and other free hand-out programs.

What ever happened to thrift, frugality, personal financial responsibility and accountability?
Reply:you're question is full of false assumptions... so I don't think I will be able to get through to you... you clearly don't care about anything other than your own opinion... and you clearly think you know you are right...

first off, I'm a liberal and no one takes care of me, nor do I expect them to... so, that's a pointless question...

second, most who are wealthy, grew up wealthy... Bill Gates' father was a millionaire... but he didn't inherit his money, he earned it...

he just was able to attend the best schools and had every opportunity to have access to anything he would ever want to have access to...

most poor people don't have that... so it's VASTLY easier for those who have excellent schooling and multiple opportunities to succeed...

I work... I don't complain because I want more social programs...

I do want vastly improved education though... that's really the difference... people who go to good schools turn out pretty good usually... people who don't... don't... usually...

of course there are exceptions... but overall, it's true...

how do you get better schools though? taxes...
Reply:Here's the rub... The rich don't pay taxes in this country. Do you think Teddy Kennedy pays taxes like we do. I don't think so. He is living off of his families blood stained mooshine money.

They talk about a couple making $200K a year as rich. Sorry, that is not close. You really want to tax the rich, go with Mike Huckabee.

The Fair Tax is exactly that. Everyone pays their fair share. No tax loopholes or offshore bank accounts. You want a new jet Mr. Kennedy, that is great that will be a 22% tax. That is when the rich will finanally start paying their fair share.

It empowers people and companies to work harder. Do you like working 4 or 5 months a year to simply pay your taxes? That doesn't happen with the fair tax. You choose what you want and need and pay tax on just that.

It scares the hell out of the Dem's, because they would lose control of the tax code.

Hillary and Barack talk about that top 1%. Like they are leppers or something. The top 1% of wage earners are what drive this country, not a Teddy Kennedy sitting on more money than Jesus.
Reply:you are the brainwashed one. most rich people were well off (not necessarily rich) in the first place. there are very few legitimate "self made men". and FYI the middle class does work, the "liberals need to get rid of unions and work hard like the rest of us" attitude is such a ridiculous falsity
Reply:I believe the rich should be taxed more, unless they institute a 100% Estate Tax. Unless you can guarantee that every rich person worked their way wealthy from nothing, I don't think it's fair to tax a rich person, who probably had the advantage of successful ancestors to get a jump start on life, at the same rate as a poor person, who probably had nothing to begin with. Especially when you consider stock dividends aren't taxed as much as wages.
Reply:You are right about the brainwashing. I've read such absurd questions here that have left me completely flabbergasted. Punish the successful has become the battle cry of parasitical losers who are too ignorant and lazy to put forth any personal effort toward achieving success. That's why they're liberals and Democrats.
Reply:It is you that has been brainwashed by the right wing propaganda. Letting temporary tax cuts expire and having the tax code go back to normal is not raising taxes. Social programs help millions of hard working Americans that are in need. Look, we all pay taxes, and it stings more the less you make. I don't mind my tax money being used to help people that need help, build roads and bridges, and keep jobs in America. What I don't like to see is my tax dollars going to line the pockets of the rich and corrupt, killing people in war, and being wasted in massive government fraud.
Reply:No...what I am saying is that the poor should be taxed like hades because they didn't make their way.
Reply:You're correct. The government should not take care of the people - the people should take care of themselves.

I'm not sure what it is with liberals....maybe they lack motivation, lack self confidence, lack the ability to succeed....i don't know. But they DO want government interventionism.

Socialism leads to the tyranny of the people and a restriction of civil liberties.

Let the people rule themselves. Let capitalism prevail. Only then can this country achieve freedom.

I say get rid of the IRS all together. This country did great without it, and since 1913 when it was introduced, it's been horrible. the income tax is the worst way to tax the people. We can get rid of the IRS without replacing it with anything if we revamp our foreign policy to non interventionism and reduce the size of gov't and it's spending.

It's very simple, but liberals are too stupid to see it.

PS: taxing the rich more than the poor is an indirect form of communism...."take from the rich, give to the poor."
Reply:The gap between rich and poor continues to grow. As time goes on, the largest share of our nation's wealth is in fewer and fewer hands. Does this not seem like a problem worthy of attention? Without a progressive income tax, how does one solve it?

It hasn't been my experience that low-income people are "lazy." In the place where I work, the lady who cleans the toilets works harder than the CEO. She certainly is more tired at the end of the day.
Reply:No, i think rich should be flat-taxed
Reply:Amen Brother
Reply:Most people are lazy and can not stand that some of us have succeeded in making a lot of money and they want to bring us back down to their level.

I wouldnt mind paying more in taxes as long as it does not go to support lazy people that do not try to better themselves

" and should not get social security"

Why? they paid into it so it is their money.

But you can have mine. I wont need the insulting amount they give out.

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